EDUCAMIGRANT – Ensuring Equability in Education for Migrant and Refugee Pupils”
Project’s website:
This European project is part of the collaboration framework of Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for school education. 5.
The purpose of the project is to create among the participating partners a bank of resources, activities and methodological proposals to improve the quality of educational support for refugee and immigrant students in schools.
Other objectives of the project are:
Regarding the students:
– Avoid school drop-out.
– Raise standards in achievement levels.
– Raise the predisposition to attend official education.
– Eliminate psychological barriers that occur in heterogeneous groups.
– Develop a more accountable relationship with teachers/administrators.
– Develop a critical attitude towards the target language and culture.
– Improve the level of communication between classmates.
– That they are aware of the rights and responsibilities of the students.
– Improve your knowledge of the target language and encourage language learning.
– To facilitate independent and autonomous learning.
– To improve group work and cooperative learning.
– Promote awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe, as well as the need to combat racism, prejudice and xenophobia.
Impact on teachers:
– To improve your teaching skills, language skills and communication skills.
– Improve the professional development of teachers.
– To build a personal learning network.
– Increase understanding of other European educational systems.
– Increase competence in foreign languages.
– Increase the level of methodological skills.
– Provide teachers with a network of good practices to share and explore.
– Avoid reluctance to educate non-natives.
– Increase the level of communication and teaching competence for non-native students.
– Create new teaching strategies.
– Become aware of different European strategies, methods and models.
– Promote awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe,
as well as the need to combat racism, prejudice and xenophobia.
Impact on educational services and educational entities or institutions:
-Update the skills, methodologies and strategies used for a teacher-trainer through the
completion of a training module.
: Build a network among participating partners to deal with common problems.
: Improve your professional skills
-Give a more effective response to issues that include the education of refugee and immigrant students.
-Motivate their professional network to offer a better educational response.
-Improve the response to parents, favoring the inclusion of refugee and immigrant students.
Impact on parents:
– Facilitate access to the destination educational system.
– Support parents to participate and take responsibility in education with their own children.
– To facilitate their development citizens increasing their confidence in social integration.
– To see themselves and their children as European citizens, not disadvantaged.
– Improve the relationship between staff and parents of others.
CEIP Gonzalo De Berceo. SPAIN
CFIE of Valladolıd.SPAIN
Ministry of Education.SPAIN
Polo Europeo della Conoscenza..ITALY
Comprehensive Institute Tregnano.ITALY
University of the Studi of Padova. ITALY
University of Uşak.TURKEY
Malkoçoğlu Ortaokulu.TURKEY
Uşak İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü.TURKEY
News article on the Verona’s Magazine Arena
Scopri di più da Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - I.C. Bosco Chiesanuova
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