La rete di scuole Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – I.C. Bosco Chiesanuova organizza un corso di lingua Inglese online Livello C1 gratuito per l’anno scolastico 2021 – 2022 in collaborazione con il CPIA di Verona.
Il corso sarà tenuto da Prof. Gordon Kennedy
Thursday 18.00/19.30
The program for the C1 course introduces many new vocabulary terms.
Grammatical elements are typically related to a more advanced use of verbs (e.g. phrasal, choice of verbs in natural language), collocations, and more advanced sentence structures that are appropriate at this level. The limited time available does not allow full coverage of exam preparation – and on the other hand there are other schools that do this – but this course will give students the opportunity to clarify any questions they may have about grammar points, the ability to practice listening, reading, writing, and conversation on which the exam will then be based.
Lessons, therefore, will include a mix of activities based on listening, reading, writing and speaking, although individual lessons may be focused on a particular activity.
18th November, 2021Jobs and looking for a job; use of give and make
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25th November, 2021Learning Languages; use of make, get, and do
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2nd December, 2021Nature vs Culture; countable and uncountable nouns
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9th December, 2021Specialized Jobs; use of dependent prepositions; adjective-noun
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16th December, 2021All of a sudden… idiomatic language
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23rd December, 2021A Picture of…; use of adjective-noun
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13th January, 20221 Living in a Virtual World: complex prepositions, words related to money
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20th January, 20222 Living in a Virtual World: complex prepositions, words related to money
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27th January, 20221 How Real is Reality TV?: talking verbs
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3rd February, 20222 How Real is Reality TV?: talking verbs
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10th February, 20221 Technology Never Stops: action, activity, event, programme
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17th February, 20222 Technology Never Stops: action, activity, event, programme
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24th February, 20221 Lifelong Learning: chance, occasion, opportunity, possibility
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10th March, 20222 Lifelong Learning: chance, occasion, opportunity, possibility
17th March, 2022
1 Escape from It All: phrasals, at, in, and on to express location
7th April, 2022
2 Escape from It All: phrasals, at, in, and on to express location
28th April, 2022
1 The Living World around Us: prepositions following verbs, word formation
5th May, 2022
2 The Living World around Us: prepositions following verbs, word formation
12th May, 2022
1 The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner: prepositions following adjectives
19th May, 2022
2 The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner: prepositions following adjectives
26th May, 2022 1 Going Abroad to Live: learn, find out and know, provide, offer, and give
1st June, 2022 2 Going Abroad to Live: learn, find out and know, provide, offer and, give
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