Progetto Horizon Europe Let’s Care n° 101059425

Building Safe and Caring Schools to Foster Educational Inclusion and School Achievement

Peace as a model of society respecting diversity and the environment. A school society open to languages, to non-violent communication, to  harmony and to the happy, conscious growth of children. A school without conflicts is a school based on principles and values, where cooperation and respect for personal identities and potential become a fundamental element of education for the building of a better future for all.

The conference and workshops are entirely dedicated to the education to democracy and solidarity in an increasingly individualized and selfish society. The speakers are all extraordinary people from different countries of the world, who can, with their contribution and experience, help school become a pure space for growth for a more equitable future society, respecting diversity, values, human rights and children’s growth.
The permanent Network of schools European Pole of Knowledge – Istituto Comprensivo Bosco Chiesanuova
in collaboration with the University of Verona, Department of Human Sciences


Within the European project Erasmus+ KA3

Support for educational policies

N° 612872-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD


“Robotics versus Bullying”

The world conference and workshops on the topic:

Peace as an educational principle – A school without conflicts

On the 3rd of December  2022 at

The educational Pole

Giorgio Zanotto  

University of Verona

How to reach it – Click here




Scientific and organizational committee : Alessio Perpolli, Donato De Silvestri, Paola Dusi, Stefano Cobello, Giulio De Vivo, Barbara Letteri, Elena Milli


Participating European and  non – European countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Brazil, Perù, India, United Kingdom, Norway, Greece, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Switzerland, Morocco, Uruguay

Translations English/Italian and Italian/English – available with headphones


Event management by Prof. Donato De Silvestri

 8.00 a.m

Registration to the morning panel discussions- by the students of Luigi Carnacina State Professional Catering / Hotellerie Institute

8.30 a.mStart of the Event – Room T2

Contribution sent by the Holiness Dalai Lama

  Musical Intervention by the singer-songwriter Veronica Marchi
 Greetings from the Authorities

University of Verona – Department of Human Sciences 

Prof. Luigina Mortari

Prof. Paola Dusi


General Director of Veneto Regional Education Department

Dr. Carmela Palumbo


Technical Director of Veneto Regional Education  Department of inspective service Laura Donà


Director UAT Verona

 Dr. Sebastian Amelio 


Verona Municipality Major

Damiano Tommasi

 Councilor for the Municipality of Verona with responsibility for Educational and School Policies, Libraries, School building, Health and Community Services 

Dr. Elisa La Paglia


School Director IC Bosco Chiesanuova

 Alessio Perpolli


Coordinator of the European Pole of Knowledge 

Prof. Stefano Cobello

presentation of the event


3 Thematic Panels of Discussion


Click on the panel discussion sections to see the content and speakers 

The school of education to the pro-social values of peace, of differences, of prevention to disequality and discriminations. A school being able to spread well-being and development, harmony and respect for all. 

Interventions by:

Prof. Paola Dusi  – University of Verona .- A jump ouside the ring: beyond  the deficit thinking

Silva Blazulionienie– Lithuania

Antonella Ferro Acuna – Peru

Rachel Gouveia – Brazil

Enrico Bottero – Italy

Prof.ssa Livia Alga – Sharing knowledges in community (University of Verona)

Antonio Cosentino – Philosophy for Children

Make Peace with the earth

By the students of the Luigi Carnacina State Professional Hospitality Institute in Bardolino

School on the front line to save the planet – The world will be saved by children

Interventions by:

Prof. Antonia De Vita  – (University of Verona) – Evidence for the future: visions and knowledge in harmony with the living

Anna Oliverio Ferraris  – “The times for harmonious growth”

Prof Matteo Ballottari (University of Verona)

Rossano Ercolini – Mediterraneo Zero Waste Academy

Stefano Cobello – European Project Plastic-free School Movement 


School and innovation while respecting the differences and potential of pupils. A free and innovative school in the proposals as well as in the educational and human dimension.


Prof. Donato de Silvestri: Conflict as a training ground for group’s growth: When “conflict” does… good

Pierpaolo Clementoni  – Clementoni SPA

Martin Antoniv Angelov – Bulgaria – Robotics versus Bullying

Prof. Dr. Rosemary Sage United Kingdom

Andrea Bellandi Saladini – Digital Academy – Milan – Fake new and students awareness

Sara Salardi . Montessori and robotics: tradition and innovation for child-friendly creative learning.

Subject to availability  – 700 seats available

 13.30Buffet by the students of the Luigi Carnacina State Professional Hospitality Institute in Bardolino

Workshops for teachers and students to which we kindly ask you to register individually – or in group in case of participating classes

7 parallel workshops per session


First workshop session – 2.30 pm


 Class T2

350 seats

Class T1

 170 seats

Class 1.1

 160 seats

Class 2.2

 130 seats

Class 1.4

 56 seats

Class 1.2 56 seats

Lab for children

Class 2.3
130 seats
Lab for children

Introduction Elena Milli

Prof. Alberto Oliverio


Paola Dusi

(University of Verona)


e Dott. Francesco Vittori


Introduction Chiara Boaretto

The Fantastic 15 onlus


Giuseppe Nicotra

Maria Angela Prado (Peru); Houda Boukal
(Morocco); Maria Livia Alga (University of Verona –
located knowledge laboratory)

Marco Scacchetti
Peppe Follo
Alessandro Beltrame
Paolo Bussolin

Emanuele Delmiglio



Emotion, motivation and learning


For an inclusive school, starting from itself. The method of cultural shocks

Creativity within the action of autism

A unique experience

New Mathematical Perspectives for Blind Students

School for
the free movement of languages by Ramia house in Verona


Favolavà and the Theatre of Rights

“It is up to children” with Tales of Rights

Dedicated to judges Falcone and Borsellino

Award Ceremony: Winners of the competition  “Tales for Rights”

Distribution of the book  

European project

H-2020 Let’s care

H-2020 Let’s care

Project E + The Power of Creativity

E + DDMath Project

E + Project

Nobodyless Network on Prosocial Values

Project E + Rights

E+ KA2






Website Website



To register   Click here   Click here Click here   Click here Click here Click here  Click here

Second workshop session – 3.30 pm


Class T2

350 seats

Class T1

170 seats

Class 1.1

160 seats

Class 2.2

130 seats

Class 2.3

130 seats

Class 1.5

 56 seats

Class 1.6

56 seats

Workshop for children




Stefano Cobello

Vandana Shiva (India)

Mediterraneo Zero Waste Rossano Ercolini

Dr. Rosemary Sage

Dr. Negus Elisabeth





Serafino Caloi Enrico Bottero Giulio De VivoGiulia Martellini Trainer

Tamara Lapucci – Clementoni SpA
Elena Milli – Psychotherapist


Make peace with the Earth 


For a school that facilitates the transition from ego-logy to

How events in the world are changing education

The mathematics of the clown:

How to teach conflict-free Maths for adults, children
immigrants and SEN dyscalculics

The cooperative class as an education for democracy

Find your way

Robotic game against bullying


The way of emotions

Relational evolutionary robotics


European Projects
Project E + KA3   Plastic Free School Movement

E+ KA3

Plastic Free School Movement


E + project

Out of the Net Prevention of Hikikomori syndrome

E + The Power of Creativity

Project H-2020 Let’s care


E+ KA3

Robotics versus Bullying

E+ KA3

Robotics versus Bullying

WEB Website






To register  Click hereClick hereClick here Click hereClick hereClick hereClick here

Third workshop session – 4.30 pm


Class T2

350 seats

Class T1

170 seats

Class 1.1

160 seats

Class 2.2

130 seats

Class 2.3

130 seats

Class 1.5

 56 seats

Workshop for children and students

Room 1.6
56 seats

Workshop for children and students

Anna Oliverio Ferraris

Prof. Antonia de VitaAdam Hajjaj Spain
Eyup Turan SAHAN

 Digital Civic Academy

Andrea Bellandi Saladini

Oxfam Italy

Lorenzo Luatti

Agnese Tombesi
and high green tide team
María Antonia Blanco González
Mercedes Jiménez López
Ana Belén Blazquez García



 Emotions and motivation in classroom

political ecology practices of the “Eco- warriors”

New work opportunity from vanishing professions

Digital civic education to fight online violence

 The inequalities,  discrimination and social exclusion of juvenile educational poverty

Experimentation laboratory to save the planet

The Robo – Pirates to defeat the bullies

European Projects
Project H-2020 Let’s care

E+ KA3

Plastic Free School Movement

E + Vilma
Recovery of ancient crafts

E + Project

Nobodyless network on prosocial values

E+ KA3

Plastic Free School Movement

Erasmus+ KA3

Robotics versus Bullying

WEB  Website  Website  Website  Website  Website Website
To register  Click hereClick hereClick here Click hereClick hereClick hereClick here

Fourth workshop session 5.30 pm


Class T2

350 seats

Class T1

170 seats

Class 1.1

160 seats

Class 2.2

130 seats

Class 2.3

130 seats

Class 1.5

56 seats

Workshop for children

 56 seats

Workshop for children

Introduction Caroline Mereu
Antonio Cosentino

Antonella Ferro
Acuna (Peru)
Prof. Michele Biasutti
Eleonora Concina
Sara Frate
Padua University
Barbara Letteri

Rachel Gouveia


Sara Salardi

Bianchetto Silvia IC Bussolengo

Zocca Roberta IC San Massimo

Jurgita Vatiekunene
and Vaida Šiaučiūnė

Project activities offline. Prevention of Hikikomori

The principle of educational harmony

Philosophy for children

Street education in Peru. How to help street children in extreme situations

New Social Problems coming from the net –  Hikikomori


The importance of personal balance in teachers
(Work related stress)

Discrimination and education for women. What happens
in Rio De Janeiro –  Brazil

Montessori and robotics, spaces for creativity and
learning worlds

Educational robotics at the service of children. A conflict-free school.

European Projects

E + Project

Out of the Net Prevention of Hikikomori

E + Project

Nobodyless network on prosocial values

E + Out of the net
multiplier event project
 Project H-2020 Let’s care

E + Project

Nobodyless network on prosocial values

E + Project

Robotics versus Bullying

E + Project

Robotics versus Bullying

WEB  Website  Website  Website  Website  Website  Website
To register  Click hereClick hereClick here Click hereClick hereClick hereClick here

18.30 p.m – Closing with all the speakers in Room T2

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