Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – Istituto Comprensivo B. Lorenzi Fumane – Rete di scuole Permanente

In collaboration with The Human Science Department – University of Verona

Multiplier event of the project  Strategies for Talented and Gifted Pupils’ Teachers

Erasmus+ KA2 Project  2015-1-TR01-KA201-021420


Verona University – Polo Zanotto – 26th. May 2018

International Conference and workshops“A Talented School for Talented Students”

Dear parents, teachers, pedagogues during the multiplier event of the European project “Educational strategies for talented pupils teachers, Stra-Tg” funded by the European Erasmus program + Action KA2, extraordinary pedagogists, teachers and professionals from India, Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkey, Spain, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Spain and Italy will meet in Verona on May 26th. 2018 to share their innovative experiences, discoveries and activities for talented students in a school ready to grow them in respect of their potential. Several teams of teachers from 32 countries of the world will converge at the Verona event during 6 meetings of European Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + projects to enrich the day of study, research and play within 15 parallel practical workshops of fun and learning with the their inventions in the fields of educational robotics, mathematics, science, prosocial values, environment, nature and prevention of bullying for the development of A TALENT SCHOOL FOR TALENTED STUDENTS. Registration closed

Attendance is allowed only for registered participants and it is free of change. English – Italian and Italian – English translation will be provided for all the workshops.

How to reach the Polo Zanotto:  click here

Download the full programme:[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.europole.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ConferenceAgenda.pdf”]

Symbols Keys for the workshops participants

Activities suitable for early education and primary school’s pupils


Activities suitable for middle school’s students


Activities suitable for secondary senior schools and university’s students


Activities suitable for teachers, parents, and pedagogists



During the morning, outside the conference will be available robotics and maths hotspots for Students, Parents and Teachers

Morning 26th. of May 2018 

Lecturer Hall T2-T3 – Ground Floor


Registration of Participants

Access available on if previously Registered online

  Module for Registration


Opening event


  • Prof. Luigina Mortari – Director Human Science Department – Verona University
  • Dott.ssa Augusta CELADA – Regional Minister of Education Department
  • School Head Mistress Emanuela Antolini – responsible for the school Network Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – I.C. Lorenzi
  • Pilar González García – General Director of Innovation and Equity in Education. Castilla y León Ministry of Education
  • Pierpaolo Clementoni – Clementoni S.P.A.

Translation available


European Project Erasmsus+ STRA-TG Presentation:

Cobello Stefano – Coordinator Italian school network: European Pole of Knowledge

Prof. Esra ÖMEROĞLU – Gazi University – Ankara

Translation available


Erasmus+ National Agency

Italian National Agency Erasmus+  Elena Maddalena

The Value of European Projects for school talents

Translation available


Dr. Swati Popat Vats

President Podar Jumbo Kids India

EIEIO science method – STEM and Multiple Intelligences in teaching Gifted and Talented Children. 

Translation available


Ernesto Burgio – ECERI European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (Bruxelles)

Neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental disorders in children: from genetics to epigenetics

Translation available


Cofee break


Prof. Daniela Lucangeli – Padua University

A Talented School for Talented students

(Translation available)


Prof. Ugur Sak – Turkey

Unpredictable Development of Early Childhood Proclivities Weaken Predictions of Excellence

 Translation available


Prof. Elkahn Baylarov – Azerbaijan

Emotions, Math and imagination for the development and respect of talented pupils potentiality 

Translation available


Lunch / Catering prepared by IPSAR Luigi Carnacina Catering School’s Students


Parallel Workshops

Room: T1 Ground Floor  (parallel translation available in every room)

Translators. Elena Milli, Myrna Belluzzo














ProSocial Values (Erasmus+ KA2)

European Pole Of Knowledge


When values like empathy, solidarity, generosity can be promoted by online games – An European teachers Community for Teaching Prosocial Values through Interactive Games in virtual learning reality.


Participants are kindly  invited to use their tablets and smartphones


Translator: Elena Milli




ProsocialLearn H2020 Project


Michael  Boniface – U.K.

Teaching children social skills for increased inclusion using digital games



Participants are kindly  invited to use their tablets and smartphones

Translator: Elena Milli




BotSTEM (Erasmus+ project KA2):

Ileana Du Franc (Burgos University) Spain:

Play and learn with robots – STEM and robotics for kids per talents development

Translator: Angela Sargiacomo


Robotic to prevent Bullying

Stefano Cobello

From Peer to Peer Erasmus+ project


Team robotic versus bullying – Strategies to prevent bullying with educational robotic developed by a national team of teachers. Practical demonstrations of games with robots.

Traslator. Stefano Cobello



Mathisis  (H2020 Project)

Psycoterapist Elena Milli


Robots and advanced technologies for the creation of smart learning atoms for everyone – practical experiments

translator, Elena Milli



Room 1.1 First Floor

Translators: Emanuela Scala – Giulia Martellini – Sisto Baldo, – Moschetta Rachele


Clementoni S.P.A

Tamara Lapucci, Area Test Manager

Games and Robots for the talents development: Doc, Mind and Robomaker

Traslator : Emanuela Scala



Dr. Swati Popat Vats

President Podar Jumbo Kids India


Learn and fun Robotic with Pinnochio!

Traslator : Giulia Martellini


Prof. Sisto Baldo, Verona University

Pomari Emanuela and Pernigo Ubaldo

Only simple and fun math

Translator: Sisto Baldo


Serafino Caloi – Verona

Clown’s Math. Thousand happy ways to teach and learn maths at school


Translator: Angela Sargiacomo



Prof. Miliani Emanuele

MyConnect and you? Play in the field of educational robotics

The value to be a team learning and playing at the same time sharing with all the other mates their pleasure of a new discovery. A challenge field alike all over the world to share different strategies and approacing to the problem solving. To program a robot to solve what your mind has already find out.  Waiting for you
Translator: Moschetta Rachele

Room 1.2 – First Floor

Translators: Irene Zorzi –  Emanuela Scala – Myrna Belluzzo – Morelli Edoardo


STRA-TG Project (Erasmus+ KA2)

Prof. Esra ÖMEROĞLU – Università di Gazi – Ankara- Turchia


Online Training Platform for Teachers for the Development of Gifted and Talented Children / 

Translator: Myrna Belluzzo



School without backpack

Prof. Patrizia Granata

The old e new school into concrete and effective learning envorziironment


Translator: Irene Zorzi



Rama Tandon – India

Dyslexia and compensating strategies to develop the pupils’s talents

Translator: Emanuela Scala



Valgreen Project (Erasmus+ KA2)

Estefania Lopez – Spain

Education on the environment as a relationship between person and identity in the real world

Translator: Edoardo Morelli



World Association GreenPeace

Verona supporting team

Educate to protect the environment to save the earth


Room 1.3 – First floor

Translators: De Lellis Nicola – Iole Puccio – Myrna Belluzzo – Filella Salvatore


Dott. Pierino Bellante

Police Inspector – Penal liability of teachers in obvious cases of bullying.

Translator: Iole Puccio


Prof. Roman Komarov

Moscow City University

“Development of creative potential: the benefits of complex solutions”

Translator: Iole Puccio


Elena Vostorgova

Center Star-PRO

Moscow City University – Russia

Ei-robots in the additional education.

Successful adaptation to the school environment, the child’s ability to socialize depends on emotional intelligence. We’ve managed to associate robotics with games aimed at emotional development. During the master class we’ll show how robots can develop social and emotional inclusion on the basis of additional education.

Translator: De Lellis Nicola


Martina Brazzolotto

Teacher’s training with talented and gifted pupils

Translator: Filella Salvatore



Valeria Fazi

Presidente di Aget (Parents’ Association “Education to Talent”)

 School-families relationship importance for gifted students

Translator: De Lellis Nicola


Room 1.4 First Floor

Translators: De Lellis Nicola, Moschetta Rachele, Myrna Belluzzo, Filella salvatore


Prof. Renna Djulgerova –

ISSK-BAS Bulgarian Institute of Human Science


Teachers training for the new educational strategies for talented pupils

 Translator: De Lellis Nicola



Jurgita Vaitiekuniene –

Educational Directorate Panevėžys


“Early Childhood Education – building sustainable
motivation and value paradigm for life”

 Erasmus+ Key Action 3: Social inclusion through education, training and youth Project ref. No: 580339-EPP-1-2016-1-BG-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

The adequate attention for the development of this emotional domain of learning supports the attainment of social-emotional skills (self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, social awareness, responsible decision-making) and has proven positive impact on young learners’ motivation for learning, higher commitment to school, positive work attitude, better behavioural adjustment and relations with classmates, respect to the fundamental human rights, personal integrity, resilience to stress, etc.

 Translator: Moschetta Rachele



Roberta Busato

Teacher I.C. BoscoChiesanuova

Robotic Workshop. Kids teaching to kids

  I am telling you how to to it?

Experiences in peer education for kids.

When robotic supports the learning process with peer education 


Translator: Filella Salvatore



Elena Falsarolo


Tools to develop telents

Robotics to teach history. Practical  educational – robotic workshop held by secondary junior school’s students of Tregnago


Translator: Moschetta Rachele



Prof. Ileana Du Franc – Spain (University of Burgos)

Promoting scientific vocations among talented kids: UBUtalent´s programme

Translator: Emanuela Scala


Educational robotic exhibition and presentation (not only) for children

Ground floor  – Corridor

10 – 13

Play and learn with Clementoni robots:  Doc, Mind e Robomaker

Clementoni Ltd



First Floor – Corridor


Leads: Miliani Emanuele

First steps to program a Rover Robot for space explorings



Roberta Busato

Robotics and games. Kids teaching to kids


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