VISConti is a strategic partnership Erasmus+ KA2 Project for Capacity Building for Vocational Schools. The partnership is made up of 17 universities, schools, education authorities and other organisations from 9 countries under the leadership of the Norges Teknik-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet of Norway. It is in part financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ funding programme.

A statement that inspires VISConti is that Creativity cannot be taught but it can be fostered, encouraged or tapped.

It was conceived to create a platform for creative and adventurous expression through project work for students following VET studies in science related subjects. It is also a space for structured and constructive networking between students, teachers and science professionals from industry who come together in a Community of Practice for innovation and scientific creativity.

Visit the website:



VISConti is a strategic partnership Erasmus+ KA2 Project for Capacity Building for Vocational Schools. The partnership is made up of 17 universities, schools, education authorities and other organisations from 9 countries under the leadership of the Norges Teknik-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet of Norway. It is in part financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ funding programme.

A statement that inspires VISConti is that Creativity cannot be taught but it can be fostered, encouraged or tapped.

It was conceived to create a platform for creative and adventurous expression through project work for students following VET studies in science related subjects. It is also a space for structured and constructive networking between students, teachers and science professionals from industry who come together in a Community of Practice for innovation and scientific creativity.

Visit the website:



Scopri di più da Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - I.C. Bosco Chiesanuova

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